Can you spot my missing bike?
Can y'all spot my missing bike?

My bicycle got stolen concluding night in a bike yard next to Ushikubo Station. Information technology'south my fault for not locking it in place, but I honestly didn't believe information technology would ever go stolen. I live in Japan, a place known for returned lost wallets and purses. My trust in such a stereotype cost me my cycle, and now I take to buy a new i.

I searched through the bike yard exactly three times considering I refused to believe someone took and rode it away. I thought maybe I had forgotten where I had left it. While going through every single bicycle, I noticed about 90% were unlocked just like mine. ninety% of other bikers believed their bikes were safe from thieves considering why would anyone take what wasn't theirs here? Information technology's most inconceivable.

Maybe life wanted to teach me a lesson that no thing where I go, I need to be careful and not lower my guard then much. It's tiring sometimes to always exist on alert and cautious. I wanted to trust everything would exist all right, but that's not how reality works.

Walking domicile to my apartment, I asked why me out of all those bikes in the yard?

I found myself taking a positive angle to answer the question. Maybe I would've been striking by a automobile or truck if I rode my bike that night. I'chiliad withal a flake skittish on the road, so possibly I would've made a wrong move and bye cheerio life. Maybe the universe was answering a wish of mine to get a new cycle presently, but why take the cycle out of my life in such an inconvenient time? I really didn't want to spend money right now with a tight upkeep hovering over my head. Withal, a bike fulfills my basic transportation needs, and then I have to get a new one.

I wanted to get aroused, simply I didn't have the energy or room in my heart for it. I simply permit out a frustrated sigh that night and forced my tired legs to walk home. It wasn't then bad. Just a thirty-minute walk that I'd consummate in ten if I had my bike.

On the way dwelling house, in improver to taking a positive bending, I thought about how my state of affairs here is pretty adept. I live in a peaceful town with a lovely river bank for running; people are friendly; I get more writing done than always before; I don't work more than five hours a 24-hour interval; and my pace is arctic.

This i negative incident couldn't dare match up to the positives of my life hither. Sometimes I forget the loud noises in life: flashy tech, hip clothes, stress over other people'southward opinions, unhealthy comparisons, chasing the golden goose, and and then on.

I alive with more attention to each nowadays action I make. Taking a shower, chopping vegetables, making java, feeling the pavement hitting the soles of my feet equally I walk, acknowledging strangers with a smile and a nod, savoring each bite of good food and desserts, and even something simple equally locking my door earlier I leave.

Every activeness has taken a life of its ain, amplifying living in ways I didn't know was possible. Instead of looking for the big, amazing events to happen, I appreciate the million petty activities and take delight in being able to do such things, take please in living with total awareness.

A long time ago, I would've lost my temper at having my bike stolen. I would've probably huffed and puffed about it all the way home instead of experiencing a cool nighttime stroll. I would've felt deplorable for myself for beingness so unlucky. (This is the second time I've had a bike stolen.) I would've been a bomb of negative free energy waiting to explode, putting life on break for one bad incident out of a million awesome events.

But life kept going. My mind focused and fingers typing, I pumped out six hundred words in my new novel that night in improver to 1200 words earlier in the mean solar day. An 1800 WC for the mean solar day is a bully accomplishment for this author.

I don't need to allow the bad poison my life and cripple me. I tin can choose to go on going, assertive everything volition work out in the terminate. And even if more negatives pop upwardly ane after the other, I'll handle them, looking at each through a positive perspective, and help lift myself up to continue going, to keep experiencing the million little gifts given to me each twenty-four hours.

I judge this how I know I'k where I need to be right now. I've made a conclusion to help my growth by moving here, and I can see the existent effects of doing so. I'grand truly at peace. For a misfit soul as mine who shrivels up from not being able to pursue her dreams, I've plant a place where I tin accomplish the creative heights I've set up for myself, something I strangely couldn't do dorsum home.

I enjoy good runs here.
I enjoy good runs here.

I'yard not saying we should move halfway around the world to observe what we need. Simply, we should take fourth dimension to know ourselves as much as possible and exist brave enough to give ourselves what we need whether it exist peace or the fuel to continue a passion or dream going.

Why waste fourth dimension doing anything else? We might just find that elusive blessing in whatever has been lost.

What take you lost that has unexpectedly given something to you?

Stay Amazing,


Howdy Folks,

I've been on a hiatus, but at present I'yard back to share some of the happenings in my life. Hopefully, this post can encourage you in your ain journey in this confusing every bit hell matter chosen life.

Image courtesy of Stuart Mills at
Image courtesy of Stuart Mills at

I idea the heart of 2015 would be much more successful, but it's actually been a struggle. I've been trying to add together more accomplishments to my repertoire this year, just I've only been racking upwards failures. Even so I'm thankful for the failures because they've taught me some important lessons that I plan to utilize for the rest of this year and beyond.

First, I tried ownership a house with my parents, and it concluded up pretty badly because we fabricated first-time buyer mistakes and had the worst lenders on the planet. Nosotros lost the business firm, lost a ton of money, and I almost lost my mind. I've been trying to block out those three horrible months, and I think I'm succeeding. At least that's one thing going right.

Image courtesy of Stuart Mills at
Image courtesy of Stuart Mills at

2d, I tried getting a full-time job in Atlanta, the place where I thought I would be living, just I've only gone deaf from the silence of these potential employers. I switched my job-hunting to Boston, but I got merely crickets too. I have undergraduate and graduate degrees from Tufts Academy and Columbia, peachy references, and amazing cover letters. However, because I decided to become to Korea to teach English right afterward graduate school, I found myself pedagogy English language for the past two years considering I enjoyed it and, also, couldn't find work in anything else. When I tried making the switch to getting jobs tied closely to my graduate degree, I got no invites for interviews because my resume lacked the experience.

Image courtesy of pakorn at
Paradigm courtesy of pakorn at / I'm 1 of those Ten'southward 😦

So, warning to those out there hoping to teach English abroad: make sure you take swell connections to get a job in something different when you're done and don't spend too much time teaching English language if your heart not'due south really into information technology.

Thankfully, I don't mind teaching English, merely of grade I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing it. I want to make a living as a writer: write books, manufactures, and personal essays. Teaching English is just a fun fashion to pay the bills before I go far big every bit a writer or whatever that means. But I'll know it when it happens.

Despite all of this, I'm currently enrolled in a Master'southward program in Law and Public Policy. Why? Well, when I failed to become into a PhD plan, I thought getting a second Master's would be my style there. Don't ever practice this, by the fashion.

I also wasn't doing anything spectacular with my life, and my father yet clung to his dream of me becoming a badass lawyer. As a upshot, I made the BIG fault of getting into this program. I got A'due south, but I was incredibly unhappy and uninterested in the subjects my classes covered. Observe I'1000 speaking in the past tense here considering I program to drop out. I've never washed this before and it sorta scares the hell out of me.

Now, I'chiliad back where I started: lost, adrift, confused, miserable, and unfulfilled. The realization hit me that if I didn't practise something drastic, I would give up on life, not kill myself per say, just be a walking zombie who simply did what was expected of her because it was easy and required no confrontation and risks.

At present, I'1000 not one to be concerned near the stars, but I'm an Aries and my claws came out at the thought of having my life controlled by the expectations and dreams of others.

I needed to practice something crazy, something to shake me out of the three-year funk. Wait, I tried. I really did. I tried being a normal functioning member of American society, but I failed. Others might say I gave up to early on. All I know for sure is that I'thousand ill of forcing my cocky to be a person I'm not.

So, what did I do?

I applied for a teaching job in Aichi, Japan.

Toyokawa Inari Temple
Toyokawa Inari Temple

The specific town, Toyokawa-shi, where I'll be living is virtually three hours s of Tokyo and possesses castles and gorgeous flora. I got the job because my teaching credentials were hard to crush. Contest didn't have a chance.

The job is a perfect fit for me because I'll exist working 4pm-9pm, which gives me enough of time to work on my writing in the mornings. I've already lived abroad earlier so I know what to expect and what not to expect.

Look, I'm not going to Nippon to solve my problems or to run away from them. I'1000 going to Japan because I want to experience something completely new every single twenty-four hour period. My soul needs wonder to stupor it out of its sleep and slow refuse toward decease. Furthermore, I have no romantic partner nor children, so I accept no responsibilities there. My parents are young and thankfully healthy and don't really need me around.

At 28, I'1000 free and then you bet I'm taking this opportunity.

However, it'south not all sunshine and unicorns. My parents will exist furious when I tell them. My family unit will talk. People will retrieve whatever they demand to think nigh my decision and will virtually likely believe that I'm making a large mistake, committing career suicide. I know.

Only I don't want to exist a lawyer, a policymaker, or office worker. I want to do two things: teach and write. In some other state. And travel. I want to explore new places and write about my adventures. I desire to see new people and mind to their stories. I want to inspire other people to take the chance to travel when it's given to them. I desire to live a life that's under my control.

I'm tired of trying to be someone I'm not just to satisfy other people, specially my parents, family, colleagues, and society. I want to be true to myself no matter the risks, no matter the number of shaking heads, no matter the disapproval.

Am I making a mistake? Maybe I am. Maybe I'm non. At the end, I'll live with my determination. But ane matter for certain, the ride definitely won't exist boring.

How about you? Take you ever taken a decision that y'all thought was a error, but went through with it anyway? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Stay Amazing,


beach fron paradise

Allow me alive near the embankment
Where I tin cleanse abroad my sorrows
Let me live nearly the beach
So I can ever hear the song of the waters
Let me alive well-nigh the beach
Where I can heal all of my hurting
Let me live near the beach
So I tin behold royal beauty
Let me live nearly the beach
And I will forever be happy, grateful, and at peace.

beach front living room 1


my condo in san diego 1

sd condo 2

sd condo 3

sd condo 4

seaside living room


where im going

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

The inner critic. The voice of negativity. The saboteur. Many names describe the self-defeating person inside our heads. It attempts with one rushing thought after another to tear us apart, tear our dreams and hopes autonomously, and exit the states in tatters.

Just when we begin to feel good about a project we're working on, the inner critic strikes with a sneak assail, dampening our mood and making us question everything. When we end creating to question every lilliputian particular, nosotros brand our project announced more complicated than it should be, and this may prompt u.s.a. to stop working birthday.

We try to exist positive, simply the inner critic still looms over our heads, sometimes powerful and ominous, squashing our feeble attempts to silence it right away.

As a author, I've experienced the voice of negativity on multiple occasions:

"You're a terrible writer."

"Why can't you describe this amend?"

"You're such a slow writer."

"No one would read this. What's wrong with you?"

"You'll never succeed as a author."

These thoughts come cascading one after the other, sometimes freezing my fingers from typing annihilation new on the keyboard. I most lose my desire to write and search to straight my energies into some other outlet. What if my inner critic was correct? What if I was wasting my fourth dimension writing? What if nobody would ever read my works?

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at
Epitome courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at

The saboteur doesn't simply strike at my writing. It harasses me well-nigh other aspects in my life: family, work, relationships, and my dreams to travel the world, start organizations to help vulnerable youth, and someday create my ain media company. With all these ambitious dreams, my inner critic works overtime to make me feel unworthy, unprepared, and unequipped to notice success in my endeavors and my life overall.

After months of meditation and self-introspection, I've come to realize what'south keeping in the claws of my saboteur; what stops me from beingness consistent in working toward my lifelong goals and dreams. My inner critic reflects and gives vocalisation to the deep subconscious fears resting in the darkest caverns of my heed. Co-ordinate to psychologists, painful experiences in childhood such equally trauma or experiences with hurtful attitudes toward the states help course the inner critic. Without taking the fourth dimension to pinpoint and divide ourselves from this inner critic, we may allow information technology to sabotage unlike areas in our lives.

I institute that past identifying my fears, I could shut up my inner critic one time and for all and replace it with a more cocky-affirming vocalization. My inner critic tin no longer swallow me whole and trap me in despair and zombie living.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Prototype courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Here are the first two fears out of four that I've confronted:

1. Fear in disappointing my parents.

Being devil-may-care with our mental care can allow parents to mess us up. A lot.

Sometimes most of the things belongings usa back from achieving what nosotros are made to achieve is fear of our parents. We fear letting them downwardly. We fear upsetting them. We fear making their worst nightmares almost united states of america come true. Nosotros fear their disapproval. We fright losing their support, mayhap even their love. We accept these neat fears because our groovy love for them.

For some, our parents are a huge part of our lives, especially if nosotros're the children of immigrants or come from a culture with very potent family ties. This fear, yet, can potentially be mentally unhealthy and constricting, and tin stop us from taking the risks and steps necessary to achieve the goals, dreams, and vision we have for our lives.

In my life, for example, my parents don't regard writing as valuable unless it's tied to a more than prestigious profession such equally police or public policy. I respect these sectors but for now I want to write fiction, personal essays, and uplifting words that can help others in mental, emotional, and spiritual ways. To me, it'southward not always almost the income, but about the freedom of self-expression.

Overcoming the fear of disappointing my parents and what they call back of me isn't e'er easy. Information technology takes hard work and exercise in the form of deep introspection, revisiting hurtful past events, and seeing my parents equally humans with their ain fears, dreams, weaknesses, and strengths.

Parents are not perfect gods. They're imperfect people who sometimes fear for usa in ways that may feel more overbearing to some than others. Nosotros know they love us, simply some parents take a difficult time letting go, and it'due south then important they know how to practise that.

For us with parents unable to let go, we need to take the first step and jump out to the road waiting earlier united states. This takes bravery, but nosotros all take the backbone to do so.

Image courtesy of Vlado at
Epitome courtesy of Vlado at FreeDigitalPhotos.internet

To wrap this one up, the inner critic can manifest itself equally the imagined vocalization of my parents telling me I can't practice this or do that because I may end upwards pain their dreams for me. All the same, by better understanding this one fright supplying the material for my saboteur, I can shut it down right away without taking the time to dwell on what it has to say to me.

I can say, "I know where I'm going, and I'grand going to make information technology. And when I do, I'll find ways to brand my parents happier than they've ever been."

2. Fear of rejection.

This one is a real doozy. I fearfulness rejection. One more time. I. Fearfulness. Rejection. Information technology's embarrassing having to acknowledge this but unless we admit our fears, we won't be able to tackle them. I fear rejection from friends, people I similar and admire, readers of my writing, and so on.

Fear of rejection sometimes stops me from engaging with people I find really interesting because I'g afraid they won't accept me or my quirks. I'm horribly sarcastic, introverted, and extremely mellow, unless I'1000 excited about something, so I'thou hyperactive. I take this tendency of thinking people won't get me so my inner critic pops up with these expressions to paralyze me:

"People think you're weird."

"Y'all're boring."

"Why don't y'all take anything interesting to say?"

"Why would anyone similar someone like you?"

"Y'all're a terrible person and should stay away from people."

The results of listening to this inner critic? I isolate myself and spend long swaths of time alone, which hurts my breast and head because the loneliness is existent.

Image courtesy of khunaspix at
Image courtesy of khunaspix at

Studies show that loneliness does serious damage to your physical health: lone people are twice equally likely to catch colds; four times more probable to have a center attack, and four times more probable to die from it. Loneliness negatively impacts your immune arrangement and bolsters genetic activeness tied to inflammation, a run a risk cistron for heart disease and cancer! This refers to loneliness lone, not low. Furthermore, loneliness should not exist confused with existence alone which is perfectly all right.

I take moments where I'thousand more comfortable with being lone, immersed in my piece of work, meditating, or walking around, people watching. Yet, the saboteur emerges at times when I feel lonely to make sure I stay that way. It also stops me from working on a project because I'yard supposedly the worst writer in the world and people will hate my writing.

Knowing my inner critic gets its juice from my fear of rejection helps me discover counterattacks to the five negative statements above:

  • Who cares if people think I'm weird. Some people don't think and so and others don't care. They're the ones who matter to me. Besides, I like being weird.
  • I'm not a clown. I was not made to entertain people all the fourth dimension.
  • I similar breaks in conversation. Equally an introvert, I value breaks in conversation because too much talking tin become overwhelming. I like time to procedure. It's who I am.
  • Why would anyone not like me? Next.
  • Yes, I mess up, but I know I am a compassionate being and seek to do no harm to others.

The inner critic may announced innocent at kickoff, but without proper supervision, it tin grow into a creature ruining our lives. As with anything negative thought pattern or behavior we encounter ourselves succumbing to, it's always important to dig deeper to find the roots. Without doing so, we may merely accept surface level solutions that work just for the short term.

How well-nigh you lot? How do you bargain with your inner critic? Would beloved to hear your thoughts!

Stay astonishing,


If y'all found this commodity interesting or helpful, please share it with your family and friends!

Also, be sure to look out for my new east-book coming out soon: The Passionate Dreamer's Notebook: For Those Who Pass up to Quit!

Be reborn

Forget What You Heard

They handed me a moving-picture show

And I looked at it and frowned

My heart dropped so fast

Thoughts running around

'Bout this girl and her hair,

Falling down her shoulders

With her optics so large

And her smile so bright,

You lot'd think they would've known her

Merely they never exercise

That's but how they practise it in Oz

No interruption

To hear

To see

To feel

'Cause they do it similar they want to

Taking everything from you

They talk like they're bullheaded

But these sharpshooters

They e'er aim and so high

With their targets on your back

Before they pull the trigger, y'all better figure

Are you slave, are you lot fighter

Are you sleeping, are you sowing

'Crusade she knew who she was

A girl in a costume, 'bout gear up to lose her mind

Straddling iii to four worlds, no peace in them to find

That hair was not a crown, but the marking of the beast

With 66 names, one name for each stab

That they left up on her dorsum

They walked all around her, walking on past

On the day that she died, lone on the footing

Murdered by the insight of the darkness within

Cornered past their dogma that had finally closed in

Killing whatever sky she wished she could've built

And so I'm telling you now, forget what you heard

Y'all don't know the story

If you got it from them

These lies don't brand it improve

These secrets are what had killed her

This girl in this picture show with the notation on the back

"Born in '87, Dead at 27."


Hope Yourself

To be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To brand all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only the all-time, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
every bit you are near your ain.

To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To article of clothing a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To requite and then much time to the improvement of yourself
that you lot have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, likewise stiff for fright,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the globe,
not in loud words but great deeds.
To live in organized religion that the whole world is on your side
so long as you are truthful to the best that is in you lot

By Christian D. Larson

Snow! Please, end.

If you're mildly interested in weather news, yous'll know that Boston has endured the ire of Old Man Wintertime these by two months, especially Feb. Don't know what the urban center did to deserve such an onslaught of snowstorms i after the other. Er, await a minute, I accept that back. This is Boston.

The last snowstorm convinced me that I should indeed get out Massachusetts and seek warmer shores because my blood cannot do the cold, snow, and way beneath freezing wind chills whatever more. Neither tin my sanity. The only time I bask living here is during the late jump and summer. Boston is pretty then. No, actually, it is. Take a await.

Boston Public Garden
Ah, Spring in Boston. Come up back before long!
Oh flowers, how I miss y'all.
I haven't taken a stroll in the park since forever. 😦

But now information technology'southward wintertime.

Stare downwards into the white abyss!
The white stuff is everywhere…

With all this snow comes an activity nosotros Bostonians love: shoveling. Non. When faced with my car buried under mounds of snow, I stand and look at it for a moment to effigy out what kind of work I'g expected to do. I wake up a little later to bargain with the shoveling because I'1000 a teacher and get snowfall days. I use these wonderful days off to write my ass off because I take very little fourth dimension to exercise and so on a regular schedule.

When I stepped outside to shovel my automobile out for the millionth time, I noticed a huge huge pile of snow behind my machine. It was snow created from my neighbor'southward snow blower. My temper began bubbles up in my chest at this blatant, inconsiderate movement from this woman. Not only did I take to shovel nature's wintery treasure, but I also had to movement a new mountain of snow courtesy of my neighbor. I wanted to swing my shovel against her car. A quick whack to front. Bam!

My car...sigh. Can you find it?
My car…sigh. Tin you find it?

I took a deep jiff and swallowed past anger.

I told myself two things: 1.) Blowing up at my neighbour would waste a lot of energy that I needed to conserve for snowfall shoveling. 2.) The world had enough darkness in the world without me adding more to it with my unnecessary rage.

Yes, my neighbour pulled a jerk move past giving me more work to do, just I decided to allow it get.

I went back inside my house to get my cell phone, put my headphones in, and listened to some rocking tunes as I shoveled out my machine. And estimate what? My neighbor stepped upwards and joined me. She helped me shovel abroad the large mound she created with her snow blower. She and so helped me remove my automobile from the driveway.

We exchanged no words about what she had done before but it taught me something: one of the all-time ways to say you're sorry is through activeness. And my neighbour apologized by helping me. Too, silence is more powerful than you lot realize when faced with anger inducing situations like rude or inconsiderate people. Sometimes people expect you lot to be angry or they want to get some sort of heated reaction out of y'all. Don't requite them that satisfaction. Hold on to your peace and pile coals on their heads by showing compassion; you'll be surprised how differently people react to kindness or silence instead of horn blaring anger.

How about you? How do you deal successfully with rude or inconsiderate people? Would love to hear your thoughts!

Stay amazing,


If you enjoyed this post, please spread the love and share it!

Too check out: Get Over the Small Stuff and Live Better: #iii Road Rage vs. Road Peace

Yay, Sundays have purpose again! Er…to spiral with me emotionally over again, that is

The mid-season opener of The Walking Dead left me in tears, twice. Yeah, I watched information technology twice because the starting time time I watched it alive, and the torrent of commercials made it virtually impossible to follow the story. Seriously, AMC, do better. That was only unnecessary.

I streamed the episode commercial free the second time, and the sadness and dazzler of it crashed against me all over once again, easily drawing tears from my optics. The emotions coming of off this episode were that strong and raw. The cinematography was well executed too. Major kudos to the director for arranging the scenes in such a heart-rending manner. Some camera shots were but evidently beautiful.

The episode opens up with a shovel loosening dirt to be put in a grave that nigh of us assume belongs to Beth later she died so meaninglessly from a gun shot to the head. An innocent, peaceful drawing of a house, now a relic of times forever gone by, sits atop a dresser against the sound of the digging. We move along to scenes of Maggie and Noah crying, the gang respectfully dropping dirt into the grave, and Begetter Gabriel reciting words about faith that probably few are listening to. His phonation adds an even more hopeless quality to a very night situation. We are shown pictures of twins who we later find out are Noah'due south brothers.

The close-ups of these pictures upped the chill gene.

Okay, these pictures killed me, you guys. With the music and Father Gabriel's melancholic vocalization, there was something haunting in the photos—they were both depressing and creepy. Even more so afterwards in the episode.

We and then go shots of Lizzie and Mika! I get nostalgia overload, reminding me of one of the well-nigh depressing storylines from any of the seasons. I can just hear Ballad'due south voice in my head, "Look at the flowers, Lizzie!" Did not expect to see these ii again, simply this episode brings back a bunch of lost characters, good and bad.

Before cutting to the badass opening theme song, we see generous drops of blood tainting the perfect cartoon of the house. Oh, the imagery is strong in this episode. Nosotros know this tin't exist good.

Rick and a select group (Michonne, Glenn, and Tyreese) make up one's mind to bring Noah to his family nigh Richmond, Virginia as a way of honoring Beth's prior wishes to help him get at that place. On the drive over there, Noah reassures Tyreese that the swap was a expert idea and things merely got fucked upwardly in the finish.

"Okay, who farted? Was information technology yous, Rick?"

"Been wanting to tell yous something."

"What'south that?"

"The trade. It was the right play. It worked. Something else happened subsequently."

"It went the mode information technology had to. The mode it was ever going to."

In other words, shitty things happen, and sometimes for no item reason. It's just how life is, and it'southward ameliorate to understand that now than later on. These words pretty much sums upward the whole episode.

We side by side learn from Tyreese most how his father would ever instruct him and his sis to keep up with the news. "What's happened and what's going on," which gives u.s. the source of the episode'due south strange championship. Even when the news spewing from the machine radio would exist some horrible, traumatic consequence, Tyreese'due south father would brand him listen by refusing to modify the station or turn it off. The reason? "Paying the high cost of living." Chills.

We get to the gates of the closed community, and already we aren't feeling as well hopeful near Noah'southward people. On the way in that location, Tyreese stares down at an old grandfather clock, another nugget of symbolism about lost fourth dimension or very piddling time. Glenn hoists himself upwards to take a wait over the wall and confirms our doubts with a shake of his head. Noah scrambles up over the fence and runs, dragging his injured leg like its nothing.

This kid deserves an award for being the fastest runner with a limp. The others take hold of up to him, and he breaks downwardly and cries.

"Y'all okay, child?" "Nope, feeling really constipated.  Fuck this mail-apocalyptic world. I need a CVS. "

While Rick, Michonne, and Glenn get off to scout the area and scavenge any they can, Tyreese stays behind with Noah and tries to comfort him with words to go on living. He offers his own story of when he went berserk on a bunch of walkers after losing Karen and how he later regained some purpose in his life when he saved Judith and kept her safe. Noah isn't having any of it and races to his business firm, once again proving he's the all-time runner with a limp. Not even Tyreese tin't fifty-fifty catch him, and the large dude has function of both his legs!

But pitiful. Everything was just and then sad!

Inside his house, Noah finds the rotting, head-bashed corpse of his mother on the floor of the living room. Tyreese takes this opportunity to let Noah grieve while he scouts the remainder of the house. We hear the scratching and snarling of one of Noah'southward younger brothers backside a closed door. Tyreese heads within a room where he discovers the other twin'southward corpse lying on the bed with his chest caved in. Pretty pic. Non.

Tyreese is fatigued, mesmerized actually, by the pictures of these boys' lives plastered on the wall. The camera lingers on their expressive faces, humanizing them every bit we imagine their stories before the turn.

How could Tyreese let his guard downwards while taking in these pictures? I don't blame him. He lives in such a bleak, killed or be killed world that these images offer some respite, maybe even solace from his grim reality. And and so comes the moment of bully tragedy. One of the twins comes stumbling into the room and takes a copious chomp of Tyreese's arm. The large human being pushes the minor walker away, but tumbles back into the ground. Before the walker can arroyo, Noah jumps in and stabs his reanimated brother in the caput with a toy jet aeroplane. The whole scene is brimming full of feels.

Noah assures Tyreese he'll get the others for aid, but we know and Tyreese knows that this will not stop well. We get a shot of the radio and sure enough, we hear a Englishman's vocalisation (Andrew Lincoln's voice in his real accent!) reporting the news because, you know, all the of import news, especially international news, are reported with an English emphasis. This gave me flashbacks of Rick's eerie phone calls from dead people like Lori. But the scene with Tyreese is a lot less cheesy with greater touch.

"Not you people again. Can't you only let a man dice in peace?"

Losing blood, information technology'southward not long earlier Tyreese starts hallucinating expressionless people. The first to testify up is that Terminus bastard named Martin. Others show up like Bob, Lizzie and Mika, the Governor, and Beth. They all talk to him about his actions, motives, regrets, and how he lived afterwards the turn…the stuff people call up about before they die, so nosotros become fifty-fifty more than confirmation that Tyreese volition probably leave the states. But I take to admit, I was property on to hope he wouldn't dice because others accept survived bites and amputations (Hershel). The girls' talk more nigh letting go and stepping into the calorie-free while Martin and the Governor harass him near making incorrect and costly decisions.

Nosotros're baaaaaaaaaaaack!

In the midst of all of this, we hear the radio reports of news that could refer to the by events in the flavour or foreshadow future events. Dum dum dum!

The hallucination of the Governor ends up being a walker, and we get what is probably one of the almost frightening scenes of whatever episodes of any season. The close-upwards up of that walker in Tyreese's perspective felt so real and scary. I don't know what I'd do looking at an ugly face like that. Tyreese proves his badassery one terminal fourth dimension past shoving his bitten arm into the walker's jaw and smashing its head in with a triangular shaped stone. The things you observe in kids' rooms to kill with: jet planes and huge stones. My room isn't nearly as read for a walker invasion.

"I'm deplorable. I'm but non into you." "But whyyy?"

Nosotros go back to Rick and the others where Michonne is trying to convince the other 2 guys that they tin can make a sanctuary out of the town. Her plans for making a home out of the community falls apart when the gang comes across mutilated bodies cut from the waist down and limbs strewn about everywhere. It's obviously the work of ill individuals then her program's a no go. Staying at Shirewilt Estates is a bad idea. Michonne isn't giving upward, however, and suggests they become to Washington fifty-fifty though in that location's no cure. I mean, there's merely has to be something there. It'due south Washington! Oh look…simply realized Washington is pretty useless. Badabing!

Anyway, with Tyreese on his fashion out, I experience Michonne is becoming the voice of sanity in the group now. Not necessarily the voice of conscious or morality, but the person who reminds them that they need to promise for something or else lose everything i.e. their humanity.

Her all-time line, "Don't you lot want one more solar day with a chance?" Who doesn't?

The others hear Noah screaming and rush to his rescue. Dude tin can't even get assist without being attacked. Rick and co articulate the walkers abroad, but non earlier giving me a mini-heart attack when Michonne swung at a walker and hit a metal wire instead of sending its head flying. Thankfully, someone steps in to save her.

I declare this right now. If Michonne dies, I'm washed with the prove. Seriously. I've done it before: stopped reading or watching something subsequently my favorite character died. I watch it by and large for her because nowhere on television can I find such a badass woman of color (aside from Olivia Pope, but I can't connect with her drama-filled story). She uses a katana and is freaking practiced at it! Don't mind every bit I fan daughter all over her.

Oh, and then good!

Tyreese continues to hallucinate as Beth makes an appearance, singing and playing the guitar like she used to. Lizzie and Mika go on reassuring Tyreese that it's okay. It gets better in the calorie-free. When ghost Mika takes his hand to welcome him to the other side, we abruptly shift to reality. It's actually Rick holding his arm out for Michonne to cut. Things unravel pretty quickly after that slice; the gang rushes Tyreese to the machine. On their way out, they hit a van and heads topple unto the machine, branded with W on their foreheads. Again, another sign of swell problem. There'south a gang out in that location called the Wolves and they ain't friendly peoples.

"My artillery are killing me. My artillery are killing me. This dude weighs a ton. My artillery are killing me!"
The W stands for Werkin It!

But we all know information technology'due south too belatedly for the big guy. He hears the radio reporting again about those marauders and his final words are, "Turn it off." Throughout the bear witness, I thought the rebel forces referred to Rick and his group, but I decided it could refer to some future group as well. I haven't read the comics and then I'grand strictly situated in the globe of the TV testify.

After some gorgeous shots of the moving heaven, Tyreese answers the calls of his expressionless comrades and dies; the sky fades to blackness. Nosotros zoom out to spotter the machine drive and then cease: we know what has happened. Visibly distressed, the gang drags Tyreese's torso out, and Michonne does the difficult chore of stabbing his head to stop him from coming back as a walker.

Cue Father Gabriel'southward depressing phonation, and the loosening of dirt for a grave we initially thought was likely for Beth, but was actually for Tyreese. The prototype of a shell-shocked Sasha struggling to stand and pour dirt into her blood brother's grave hit me in the gut and turned on the tears. She truly has lost everything. I wouldn't be surprised if she crossed the edge and became hardcore berserk. She's got null else to lose now.

How do yous keep living subsequently that? What resource exercise y'all take to unearth within yourself to go on on going? Although we would like to recollect we alive for ourselves, nosotros become a lot of our significant in our lives through the relationships we have with people nosotros love or care deeply about. If we lose them, it won't be long before nosotros search for someone one else. Or non. Maybe Sasha volition cling shut to another graphic symbol on the bear witness. Nosotros'll come across.

Information technology'southward ane of the reasons why I honey The Walking Dead and stories of its genre. The extreme situations squeeze out the worst and best of humanity, exposing core truths that we don't want to face considering they might truly be ugly and perhaps even too frightening for us to deal with.

That'southward information technology for the Epitomize.  Overall, I idea it was a great episode, probably the best of the whole season. Come back next fourth dimension for Flavour 9 Episode 6! The grouping goes on a search for much needed bones necessities. Hopefully, nobody dies in the side by side episode. 😦

What did you think well-nigh the mid-flavor opener? Let me know!