There Was an Error Connecting You to Easy Halloween Quiz

It is the mental exercise that you must do on a daily basis in order to improve your memory. For those who want to learn about the events then Halloween is one of the events about which you know the interesting facts. Most of us dot know about its origin, costumes, celebration facts and much more. If you are interested to gain knowledge about this event then some of Halloween trivia questions sets are described below that will definitely help you to get know how about the event.

halloween trivia questions

1. Halloween is based on the festival named as?

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Samhain is that festival

2. What is the meaning of hallow?

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It is the saint or holy person

3. When next full moon occurs now in Halloween?

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It 92 will appear in 2020

4. What's only banned in Halloween.

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It's a silly string

5. Name the fall festival activity that Romans introduced to British?

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Dooking or bobbing for apples

6. In what Christian holiday the Halloween is celebrated?

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It's in All Saint's eve

7. There comes the apostrophe in Halloween do you know where?

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It's between two e's that is Hallowe'en

8. From where the tradition of dressing different costumes originated

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It's in Scotland and Ireland

9. What thing do people ask when they go house to house during Halloween?

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Its Soul Cakes

10. In which country kids use the phrase" trick or treat?

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It's in Canada

Halloween movie trivia questions and answers

11. Halloween movie 2018 directed by?

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David Gordan Green

12. Halloween 2018 is the sequel of?

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It is a sequel of the film released in 1978 with the same name

13. Where did Halloween was first premiered?

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It was in Toronto International film festival

14. The average business did the Halloween did in 2018?

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It's about 253 million dollars

5-minute-easy halloween quiz-answers

15. Who is the main character of the movie?

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He is  Jamie Lee Curtis

16. When did Halloween production begin?

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It began in January 2018

17. Name of the production company of Halloween?

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It's from Blumhouse production

18. Name the crime podcaster in Halloween?

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Aaron Korey and Dana Haines

19. The relation of the Toby huss with Karen?

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He was his husband

20. Karen's daughter in the Halloween 2018 film?

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Andi MAtichak.

Spooky Halloween Quiz Answers

21. Which vegetable was used for jack o lantern before pumpkin?

22. Which color of pumpkin is used for Halloween?

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Its purple color that glows in the dark

23. Where is Transylvania where Halloween is celebrated?

24. What do you call the fear of Halloween?

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It's known as samhanophobia

25. In case if a wolf attacks you how you defend yourself?

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A gun with silver bullets

26. Do you know when do werewolves transform themselves?

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When there is a full moon

27. Victorians were fans of spooky things, why did they put bells in coffins?

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They need help if they buried alive

28. Does a Dracula transform himself into?

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It converts himself in bat

29. The smell of mommies feel like?

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They get the smell of incense with which they are buried.

30. The name of the ghost that moves things in your house

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Its name is a poltergeist

free trivia questions

5-Minute Easy Halloween Quiz Answers

31. Is there any incidence of children killing due to the eating of candies given by stranger?

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No such incident spotted

32. Do you know how original lanterns for Halloween are made?

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Jack o lantern made of turnips

33. What is the origin of carving Jack o lanterns?

34. What is the native country of Jack o lanterns made with Pumpkins?

35. World heaviest pumpkin used in?

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It's in Switzerland

36. Do the Americans spend money on Halloween?

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It's about 8.4 billion in 2016

37. The second popular Halloween candy name is?

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Its candy corn

38. How many Americans don't take candies from the children celebrating Halloween?

39. How many candies are given to trick or treaters?

40. Are the two parties other than Halloween celebrated are?

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New year eve party and the Super Bowl

Halloween trivia 2018

41. What is the origin of Halloween?

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It's from Ireland and Northern France

42. The year of origination of Halloween?

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It is around 4000 BCs

43. Does the word which means in Halloween celebration?

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It's mean a wise women

halloween movie trivia-questions and-answers

44. Why owls are associated with Halloween?

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People believe that owls were median witches

45. Why jack o lanterns used?

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People believe that jack the stingy man who tricked the devils by lighting the pumpkins.

46. Why bonfire celebrated?

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It was celebrated when the sun originated after long winters

47. Children of what age goes for trick or treating?

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12 years or under

48. Why orange and black color mainly sue din Halloween?

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Orange  show fall harvest while black depicts darkness

49. Is pumpkin only available in orange color?

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No, it's present in purple, white and blue.

50. What are night-flying insects?

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These are bats.

Halloween trivia multiple choice

51. What was the never name of Halloween?

  1. Witching day
  2. Halloween
  3. Halloween

52. Candy corn company is not known by what name?

  1. Wriggly
  2. Wonka
  3. jelly belly

53. How did Harry Houdini die?

  1. A car crash
  2. appendix
  3. cancer

54. Halloween celebrations in Hong Kong is known as?

  1. Angry devils
  2. hungry ghost
  3. Hungry ghost

55. What did Charlie Brown in the movie get as trick o treat?

  1. Nothing
  2. apple
  3. rock

56. Average no of people celebrated Halloween in America?

  1. 76,
  2. 64
  3. 83

57. Longest haunted house in Ohio is abandoned by what?

  1. It's mine
  2. cornfield
  3. hospital

58. Country from where Halloween originated?

  1. The United Kingdom
  2. Ireland
  3. US

59. The largest Halloween parade in the US?

  1. New York
  2. Los Angeles
  3. Houston Texas

60. Who cannot dress in special costume in Halloween?

  1. Priest
  2. doctor
  3. firefighter

Halloween picture quiz

spooky halloween quiz-answers

61. Novel "Frankenstein" is written by?

62. Halloween greeting card was first made in?

63. The author of the novel Dracula?

64. Midnight is also known as?

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It is known as the witching hour

65. What is the title of which pet cat or toad?

66. Halloween is an abbreviation of?

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All Hallows Eve

67. Bobbing of Apple was originated in?

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In Ancient Rome

68. Where do the real vampire bats do live?

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They live in North or South America

69. Name the ingredient that Shakespeare witches added?

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Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake.

70. In what type do pumpkins grow?

Halloween quiz answers gimme more

71. Popular Halloween costume in 2015

Readmore: 70+ logical math questions and answers

72. Popular Halloween costume for pets?

73. In which state it is illegal to dress for Halloween?

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It is Alabama for the priest or nun

74. Mary Shelly got an idea for Frankenstein's monster?

75. Why so many mummies brought in middle ages?

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To be ground in medicine

76. Dracula name for Bram stokers?

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It was count wampyr

77. When was first werewolf was released?

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Universal pictures in 1935

78. Date when Halloween even start?

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On October 31st of each year

Check this article also: Really hard questions with answers

79. The group of witches called?

80. Who first celebrate d the Halloween?

Ghost trivia questions and answers

81. Who played the afterlife final scene?

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Patrick Swayze

82. What is kalber often seen in the cemetery?


83. Which bad recorded the ghost song?

84. Do you know what is Langsuir

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It is the ghost of women who died during childbirth

85. Pontianak is the type of ghost?

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It is vampiric

86. Occupation of Sam in the ghost movie?

87. Kremlin was haunted by?

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Ivan the Terrible

Try more trivia? read this 90+ easy trivia questions

88. The ghost of Queen Esther can be seen in?

89. Headless ghost nun is fo0und in?

90. What is used to record the ghost activity?

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It is an EVP recorder.

91. Who is the writer of 'Frankenstein'?

92. From where pumpkin originated?

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Central America

93. Who wrote the novel 'Dracula'?

94. What is Cabbage Night in New England?

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The night before Halloween

95. Who was the first person to celebrate Halloween?

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An ancient priest, Druids

96. What is the original name of candy corn?

97. When did Harry Houdini?

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October 31, 1926


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